Sunday, October 13, 2013

Government Shutdown

With all the hullabaloo about the government shutdown, of course I have a few thoughts.  

First, it's time for a revolution in this country.  Why are we putting up with the shenanigans of ineffective government leaders? 

 Well, probably because there are too many of us minions to organize ourselves, and we are kept way too busy just trying to survive.  

I think it's high time to establish new qualifcatiions for members of congress.  Let's revisit the constitution, because, seriously, it's no longer the late 18th century, and a whole lot has changed since then.  

My first recommendation would be that anyone running for congress must not make more than 100,000 per year.  Nothing against the wealthy, but hey, we need people who are still in touch with reality and who may possibly know what it is like to still be working your tail off trying to provide for your family.  Let's just get rid of the greed-driven corruption right off the top.

Next, in order to run for congress,  any trust funds, investments, and other such potential wealth-building tools must be suspended while serving as a member of Congress.   This also applies to members of your immediate family.  You probably don't have much of these assets anyway due to rule #1, but just in case, don't be planning to transfer all that stuff to your wife or children. That oughta put a stop to self-serving agendas that are breaking the backs of the hard-working peasantry.  

In addition, term limits.  You get two if you can be elected to them. After that, you're done.  Go on about your business.  Limited congressional benefits for one year after leaving your legislative post.  If you were ambitious enough to get elected and serve, you'll have no problem  returning to a normal life.  You aren't going to need security to follow you around, because you did not benefit financially from making self-serving decisions as a member of congress due to rules #1 & 2.  Back when the Constitution established Congressional qualifications, this was pretty much the way it worked just because that's the way things were.  Although I'm sure hideous wealth & greed existed, it certainly was not the basis of all legislation.  Special interest groups had not yet been born, nor had the idea of robbing common Americans through big business.  The framers of the Constitution, for the most part, had more important things to contend with, like creating a healthy independent nation.  

I could think of a lot more, but this is a start.  Tremendously unrealistic, perhaps, but it's nice to have a dream anyway.  

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