Monday, October 18, 2010

Camper Trouble

So my friend asks me tonight "Hey, you wanna go drive around with me and my camper." That sounds strange. However, knowing it was on the suggestion of my husband that she dump a bag of ice down the camper toilet and drive it around to possibly clear a plugged up sewer system, I said "sure." Besides, it's a friend and who questions a friend's requests, no matter how strange?

So, we load up and hit the open road. Stop at the local mini-mart to buy a bag of ice. Of course we bought the big bag, cause we don't want to "run out," as the bag says right on it. When we go to put the ice in the toilet, we discover that this thing is really backed up. I mean really backed up as in clear to the little flap thing that flushes. So we dump some ice in and to our surprise, it goes down. Well, ok, some of it went down. I suggest sacrificing the flyswatter to try to jam it down. She simply laughs at me.

We gradually work about half the bag in by working the flushie handle. Then we set out to shake things up a bit. Drive about 8 miles, and decide to pull over to see if any progress has been made. No progress, now all we have is a shit slushie in the potty. Put in some more ice, but finally, it will hold no more. Suddenly, my idea of the sacrificial flyswatter doesn't look so bad. So we use it. Still will hold no more ice. Drive about 12 more miles over some curvy and bumpy roads. Returning to her house, we drive it out into a big field.

I tell my friend enthusiastically that I am sure this is the magic moment. With great anticipation, we open the cap, pull the lever . . . . and . . . . nothing. Not even a dribble.

This is almost as bad at the movie "RV." This being a "shared" camper with another family, it is especially nasty because this isn't even entirely her own family's crap.

The moral of this story is. . . . shit happens, so don't waste your time driving a camper around with a dump tank full of poo and ice.

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